Christiaan Tigelaar
Available April 2025

Hello. I am Christiaan Tigelaar, Freelance front-end developer/-architect

For over 15 years I have enjoyed working for various clients, from local businesses to large banks and government institutions. Each with specific challenges, each with its own focus. View the cases and think about what I can do for your team. For questions, feel free to contact me.

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How can I help you?

  • Architecture

    From setting up your codebase with for example an NX monorepo, Domain Driven Design, the sense and nonsense of microfrontends, the use of Tailwind CSS and your deployment strategy. Through my years of enterprise experience I know what works in the long term and what makes developers happy.

  • Pixel perfect design

    Working with UX’ers and Visual Designers to come up with a solution that works for the end user, but is also performant and does not compromise on code quality, that is what gives me energy. I like to work with designers who, in addition to their own toolkit such as Figma, also know what is possible with code, such as HTML5 and CSS3, together we create the coolest solutions with Storybook for example.

  • Team lead van een SCRUM team

    Is your front-end team not running optimally, but you don’t know why? With my years of experience with SCRUM teams, I know quite well how to expose pain points and discuss and tackle them as a team. I do not avoid a good progressive discussion, ultimately we all want to achieve the same goal and create more autonomy as a team.

  • Accessibility

    As a front-end developer you can make a difference here. In recent years I have worked at many (semi) government agencies, where WCAG accessibility is simply a requirement. From simple contrast ratios and image descriptions to advanced ARIA tag constructions. I know the tools and guidelines and know when to apply what.

  • Craft CMS Development

    In addition to front-end development, I also accept full-stack assignments. For years, I have been using Craft CMS. A versatile Content Management System (CMS) based on PHP with many application possibilities. From a simple blog to a custom website for your startup, but also advanced content structures, forms and APIs with GraphQL are among the possibilities. Are you looking for customization? I am also available for custom Craft CMS plugin development.

  • One-time code assessment

    Are you looking for someone who can do a code assessment of your front-end codebase, pipelines and/or deployment strategy? With years of experience for enterprise applications I know quite well what best practices are and where pain points lie. Contact me for a review resulting in a report with recommendations. Possibilities can of course be discussed, minimum duration is 16 hours.

  • Part-time consultancy

    For many start-ups full-time consultancy is not immediately necessary, that is why I am available for 16-24 hours per week for part-time consultancy. Think of architecture issues, refining stories and 1:1 calls for questions. I am available for the team to recognize potential problems early and create clear solution directions, which the team can then work out.

Skills & Techstack

I like to describe myself as T-shaped, where my core knowledge lies in front-end architecture and development including the devops facets of the profession. Think of advanced CI/CD pipelines, automated testing and code quality. See below a selection of my skills and tech stack with which I have a lot of enterprise experience and I can definitely help your team with.



10+ jaar ervaring

Lots of experience with large enterprise level Angular projects, including migrations of AngularJS, performing upgrades and applying the latest features of Angular such as signals and deferrable views. Especially for web applications a good match imo.

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15+ jaar ervaring

Javascript has been in my toolkit since day one. From jQuery with IIFE's to modern frameworks. I closely follow new developments in ECMAscript standards to be able to apply them.

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Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS

10+ jaar ervaring

Since the introduction of Tailwind CSS as a utility-first CSS framework a big fan. Not a go-to solution for everything, but especially in less front-end heavy teams a good technique to prevent uncontrolled proliferation.

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Craft CMS

Craft CMS

5+ jaar ervaring

The CMS I like to work with and have a lot of experience with. It offers extensive possibilities with a clear separation of logic and design. Also experience in developing custom plugins with complex business logic.

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5+ jaar ervaring

Big fan of monorepos for larger front-end projects, NX makes life so much easier. From generators, dependency graphs, CI/CD tools and migrations, I know how to use the tool to make it work for me.

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7+ jaar ervaring

Typescript when possible, simple and effective. From utility types to applying generics, it facilitates a clear and strict API of your code which improves code quality.

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15+ jaar ervaring

From translating visual designs to building and managing backwards-compatible design libraries, I have experience with it. Over the years I have encountered many methodologies, of which BEM is still my preference.

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3+ jaar ervaring

Extensive experience in setting up Kubernetes namespaces and resources using Helm charts for front-end deployments for both CI/CD and production environments. Also worked with Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), Netlify and Vercel.

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Azure Devops

Azure Devops

5+ jaar ervaring

Extensive experience in managing repositories and libraries to designing, building and maintaining advanced CI/CD pipelines.

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5+ jaar ervaring

For medium sized websites I like to work with Next.js, it gives me the possibility to set up extensive content structures in a simple way, with React components as a base. Perfect for a combination of SSR and dynamic data.

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5+ jaar ervaring

Many live projects done with React, often in combination with Next.js. Library gives a lot of freedom in structure and design, but therefore also more often dependent on third-party libraries for proven solutions.

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6+ jaar ervaring

Particularly in the Angular landscape widely used and very experienced. It forces you to think about your dataflow in a certain way, which benefits the performance of your application.

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20+ jaar ervaring

This is where front-end development starts, so literally 20+ years of experience. I know the ins and outs, know what I can apply where to improve the semantics and accessibility of the pages.

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5+ jaar ervaring

In tech stacks with Craft CMS in combination with Next.js, Astro.js or Angular I like to use GraphQL. It gives the freedom to query the back-end in a front-end oriented way, without having to adjust the API for every change.

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10+ jaar ervaring

In the front-end landscape, almost all development and build tooling is based on Node.js, especially with the advent of SSG/SSR and incremental builds. In my years of experience, I have developed various tools and utilities using Node.js, especially for CI/CD purposes.

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5+ jaar ervaring

Extensive experience in setting up and managing automated tests in CI, up to introducing Page Object Models (POM). All to improve the continuity of the test suites, accelerate and eliminate flakiness. Besides Cypress also experienced in WebdriverIO and Playwright.

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1+ jaar ervaring

De laatste 4 jaar heb ik aan grote enterprise level Angular projecten gewerkt, waarbij migraties, upgrades, reviews en nieuwe features van Angular heb mogen toepassen.

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2+ jaar ervaring

Good framework for a combination with an existing CMS. Because the integration is close to the HTML and JavaScript standards, implementation is low-threshold. Not my go-to framework, but I do have enterprise experience with Vue.js.

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Christiaan Tigelaar

Christiaan Tigelaar (40)

Freelance front-end developer/-architect

Are you looking for an experienced front-end developer or architect? I am available from April 2025, so feel free to contact me, so we can see if we can work together.